If you have a query regarding the Foodtogether in your area, please contact the hub directly using the details below. If your location hosts a Facebook group (links are listed below) we recommend joining to receive updates.
Please see the reopen dates for your hub below
Cambridge Co-op: julieanne.seath@salvationarmy.org.nz, 07 827 4723
Reopens 12th February
Taranaki Co-op: foodtogethernewplymouth@gmail.com,
Reopens 13 February
Hobson St City Mission Pop-Up: www.facebook.com/groups/foodtogethercentralauckland,
Bayview Pop-up: www.facebook.com/bayviewcommunitycentre,
manager@bayviewcentre.org.nz, 022 694 3102
Reopens 14th February
Beachlands Pop-up: www.facebook.com/groups/foodtogetherpopupbeachlands,
meg@beachbap.org.nz, 09 5366360
Reopens 14th February
Birkdale Pop-Up: admin@birkdalebeachhaven.org.nz, 09 4839149
Forrest Hill Pop-Up: https://www.facebook.com/growforresthill
Reopens Friday 14th February
Highbury House Pop-Up: admin@highburyhouse.org.nz, 09 4805279
Manurewa Beautification Trust Pop-Up: www.facebook.com/beautifulmanukau
St Columba Botany Pop-Up: www.facebook.com/groups/foodtogetherpopupstcolumba
Matamata Co-Op : https://www.facebook.com/matamatabudget
Rotorua Co-op: www.facebook.com/groups/foodtogetherrotorua
Gore Salvation Army: www.facebook.com/groups/foodtogethergore
Invercargill Salvation Army: www.facebook.com/groups/foodtogetherinvercargill
St Albans Co-Op - www.facebook.com/communitykainetwork
Reopens 13th February
St Aidans Co-Op - www.staidans.org.nz/vege-coop
Sydenham Community Co-Op - https://www.facebook.com/groups/142698452535315
New Brighton Co-Op -office@tewakaaroha.org.nz
Oxford Baptist Co-Op - Oxford
Addington School Co-Op